Simple Home Learning for Littles

As a stay-at-home mother, navigating the world of homeschooling with an active toddler has been both challenging and rewarding...but mostly challenging because I was forced to learn with everything closed during the pandemic.

Once I realized, we were going to be stuck in the house for a while, I started researching “simple activities for new moms with infants”. With play groups closed and playground unsafe, I was left with needing to figure out things to fill our day as my son got older and the world remained closed off. Eventually things such as preschool and day care centers began to slowly open but by then I discovered the magic of incorporating simple and fun art, play, and sensory activities into our daily routine.

From cutting strips of paper that transform our living room into a colorful scrapbook to sensory bins filled with rice and hidden treasures, each activity not only entertains my little one but also fosters creativity and learning. Now, I'm excited to share our favorite activities with other parents, hoping to inspire joy and exploration in their homes too.

How to create your own Mystery Box Game!

All you need is a box and a few objects from around your home like a cup for the letter C or a spatula for the letter S, to recreate your own mystery box. You’re little one will LOVE pulling out the surprises.

You can recreate this alphabet map with a piece of paper and markers! Make sure your spaces for the alphabet are large enough to fit your objects.

(Alphabet Mystery Box-JoyCat)

Use this page as your guide to start homeschooling with simple activities.

You can also check out my digital arsenal every Friday for new printable homeschool material.

Welcome to our Home Learning for Littles support page!

We're all about making learning fun and easy right from the comfort of home! Dive into our super cool name recognition sticker activity, where your little ones can have a blast while mastering the magic of their own name. With colorful stickers featuring each letter, it's an interactive adventure that'll have them giggling and learning all at once! Plus, discover how these simple activities can spark a love for learning and set the stage for endless fun!

the simplest activities can sometimes be the most beneficial and give you some “free time”

  • It took years of sensory play to build our collection, look past the complicated scene set up and aesthetic look…and see the bigger picture.

    Sensory play can be as simple as oatmeal (baby safe) thrown into a container with only a spoon and a cup…because that’s exactly what I did with Cameron’s 1st bin.

  • Never under estimate your little one…like how long it’ll take them to cut out a circle drawn onto a piece of paper!

    This is always a double winner; Cameron gets to practice cutting and I get to use the restroom in peace.

    Extra Tip! When they’ve finished the shape, give them a glue stick and more paper while you go grab your morning coffee or tea.

  • Toddler love to help, it’s just what they do. Hide something they’re familiar with around the room and ask them to FIND IT!

    Simple scavenger hunts are AMAZING before nap time…especially if you have a sleep fighting champ on your hands like I do.

you can also print homeschool activities like the SPRING IS HERE COLOR and TRACE Activity Book 100% free! Just click the picture!

Homeschool PLAYgram Starter Box

Welcome to our Homeschool PLAYgram, where learning is disguised as playtime fun! Picture a program where the primary focus is on play rather than traditional educational objectives.

I used what I learned at University of the Pacific (Stockton, Ca) regarding 1st year college students needing to belong and applied Terrell Strayhorn’s Sense of Belonging Theory to my son’s 1st year of life and his need to communicate with us. Each year I’ve applied a different area of the theory to my son and have developed the perfect transitional learning model for families with littles who are not traditional sit down and learn children.

Each game is carefully crafted with learning outcomes in mind, but we prioritize the enjoyment of the game first and foremost – your toddler won't even realize they're learning! That’s not it! If they start to get bored or need a change, these games are made to be switched around in play to extend the years of fun you are able to get out of it. Press play to see exactly what I mean!

4 Quick Activities to kick off letter recognition!

As a stay-at-home parent, keeping your little one engaged in fun learning activities can be a rewarding experience. Letter recognition is a fundamental skill that can be introduced through simple and entertaining activities.

Here’s 4 quick and exciting ideas that can be done in under 20 minutes to help your toddler recognize letters like a pro!

  1. Magnetic Letter Match: Grab some magnetic letters and a cookie sheet. Mix up the letters on the sheet and have your child match them as you call them out. This interactive game not only helps with letter recognition but also improves fine motor skills.

  2. Alphabet Scavenger Hunt: Write down letters of the alphabet on sticky notes and hide them around the house. Encourage your child to find and identify the letters. This activity not only reinforces letter recognition but also gets your little one moving and exploring.

  3. Letter Sticker Sort: Provide your toddler with a variety of letter stickers and a piece of paper with different letters written on it. Ask them to match the stickers to the corresponding letters on the paper. This hands-on activity is not only educational but also enhances cognitive skills. You can also give them 1 letter to focus on one at a time OR use their name!

  4. Sensory Letter or Line Play: Fill a tray with salt, sugar, or any other sensory material(our favorite is rice). Show your child how to write letters and lines in the material using their fingers. This tactile experience engages multiple senses and makes learning letters a fun and memorable experience for your little one. This one is also great for learning how to trace lines.

Engaging your little one in these interactive and stimulating letter recognition activities for just a few minutes a day can make a big difference in their learning journey. Perfect for busy parents looking to incorporate educational play into their daily routine without the need for extensive planning.

Homeschooling allows you to step off the highway and take the scenic route.

Here’s a tip!

Your toddler’s favorite toys, make the best educational play!


Entering Totville


Library For Littles